I’m Luke.
…And it’s a long story, but I am also Tron. Some friends believe I gave myself my own nickname, but I contend that these claims are false, and will happily deflect any attempts to prove me wrong by shouting everyone a beer and changing the subject.
I live in Ocean Grove on the Surf Coast, at the launch pad of epic motion sickness episodes - the Great Ocean Road. Such a locale has effortlessly fostered in me a deep love for the big blue wobbly thing residing beside it. Luckily I don’t succumb to car sickness nearly as much as my passengers, which has enabled decades of road trips, collecting infinite surfs, secrets, thoughts and images.
Though this is indeed where my photographic journey began, it has since spaghetti’d in numerous directions, creating a dilemma whereby it is near impossible to set up a coherent collection of my work. I have developed a confusingly broad portfolio of which I am loathe to pinpoint a specific genre. Am I a fine art photographer? Yep. Do I shoot weddings? It’d be rude to say no. Portrait sessions? Sounds fun as fuck. Abstract surrealist images for the hell of it? One of my favourite things to do. How often do I shoot photos of that big blue wobbly thing? Every other day. Heck I’ve even dabbled in product shoots, aerial photography and of course travel photography is a passion.
See what I mean..?
The spaces around this are filled with a clumsy guitarist, a slab chasing bodyboarder, a far too loud Geelong supporter, and a writer whose words inhabit strange worlds of their very own.
I am Luke, or I am Tron. You can decide.